Apps Like Bad Behavior & Comparison with Popular Alternatives For Today

Bad Behavior Bad Behavior is designed to integrate into your PHP-based Web site, running as early as possible to… Created by Michael Hampton Bad Behavior is designed to integrate into your PHP-based Web site, running as early as possible to throw out spam bots before they have the opportunity to vandalize your site with their junk, or even to scrape your pages for e-mail addresses and forms to fill out.Not only does Bad Behavior block actual vandalism to your site, it also blocks many e-mail address harvesters, resulting in less e-mail spam, and many automated Web site cracking tools, helping to improve your Web site’s security. More Info »Bad Behavior runs before your software on each request to your Web site, so if a spam bot does visit, it will receive nothing, and your software never runs. This reduces the amount of server CPU time, database activity and bandwidth spent on processing robots which are just harvesting your site and delivering junk.Bad Behavior rejects spam bots outright, sending an appropriate 4xx error code. This lets you filter them out of your server’s logs when you do log analysis, making them cleaner and more accurate and giving you better insight into the human beings visiting your site, rather than the spammers.Bad Behavior is fully compatible with reverse proxies, HTTP accelerators, load balancers and content distribution networks. It is fully Section 508/WAI compliant. And it stores personally identifying information for a maximum of seven days, (it is usually not stored at all) making it compatible with virtually any corporate or government privacy requirements.Bad Behavior is designed as a platform-independent package which uses a connector to integrate with a given software package (MediaWiki, WordPress, etc.). This lets Bad Behavior run on a very wide variety of Web applications.

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