Apps Like CanvasBlocker & Comparison with Popular Alternatives For Today

CanvasBlocker Blocks the JS-API for modifying to prevent Canvas-Fingerprinting. Created by kkapsner This add-on allows users to prevent websites from using the Javascript API to fingerprint them. Users can choose to block the API entirely on some or all websites (which may break some websites) or just block or fake its fingerprinting-friendly readout API. More information on fingerprinting can be found at .The different block modes are: More Info » • block readout API: All websites not on the white list or black list can use the API to display something on the page, but the readout API is not allowed to return values to the website. • fake readout API: Canvas Blocker’s default setting, and my favorite! All websites not on the white list or black list can use the API to display something on the page, but the readout API is forced to return a new random value each time it is called. • fake at input: on display of text the drawn pixels get modified slightly. This makes the detection of the add-on harder but is less secure. On WebGL-canvas the behaviour is identical to “fake readout API”. • ask for readout API permission: All websites not on the white list or black list can use the API to display something on the page, but the user will be asked if the website should be allowed to use the readout API each time it is called. • block everything: Ignore all lists and block the API on all websites. • allow only white list: Only websites in the white list are allowed to use the API. • ask for permission: If a website is not listed on the white list or black list.

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1 Apps Like CanvasBlocker & Comparison with Popular Alternatives For Today 1 Canvas Defender Chrome Mac
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