9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons

DownGit Directly download or create download links to GitHub public folders or files. Created by Minhas Kamal DownGit lets you directly download or create download links to any GitHub public directory or file.

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# Image App Name Features Platforms Price Website Link
2 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 1 GitHub Hovercard Web
Free Website
3 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 2 Refined GitHub Web
Firefox Free Website
4 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 3 Octo Mate Web


Free Website
5 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 4 Awesome Autocomplete for GitHub Web
Free Website
6 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 5 Enhanced GitHub Web


Free Website
7 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 6 OctoLinker Web
Free Website
8 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 7 GitHub Folder Downloader Windows Free Website
9 9 Alternatives & Similar Apps for DownGit & Comparisons 8 GitZip Web
Firefox Free Website

Reasons why GitHub Hovercard is a good alternative to DownGit

GitHub’s latest addition to their platform is the ability to hover over any public folder or file and download it. With this new feature, developers can either download or create download links for any public folder or file on GitHub. This means that you don’t have to be on GitHub to access the vast amount of open-source material on GitHub which can lead to more collaboration between developers. It also means that downloading files from GitHub is easier than ever before.

Reasons why Refined GitHub is a good alternative to DownGit

GitHub is a widely used and commonly accepted social coding site that has been around for nearly 10 years. GitHub has gone through many changes in order to accommodate the needs of their customers as the world evolved over time. DownGit is a new service that allows users to download or create download links to GitHub public folders or files, so people no longer have to log into GitHub and download any files they need.

Reasons why Octo Mate is a good alternative to DownGit

Octo Mate is a great alternative to DownGit for downloading and uploading files and folders from GitHub. Octo Mate is different from the standard GitHub browser because it also allows you to download files and folders from GitHub’s public repositories. Additionally, Octo Mate offers a clean interface that is not only easy-to-use but also attractive. Octo Mate is a great alternative to DownGit for downloading and uploading files and folders from GitHub.

Reasons why Enhanced GitHub is a good alternative to DownGit

DownGit has been a popular Git client for Windows for years, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to use. With the introduction of Enhanced GitHub, developers don’t have to worry about downloading or creating download links to GitHub public folders or files – they can just use this new and improved client. Enhanced GitHub offers more customization and advanced features than DownGit, and is quickly becoming favored by developers everywhere.

Reasons why OctoLinker is a good alternative to DownGit

OctoLinker is a new open-source browser extension that adds the ability to easily download public GitHub repositories, files, or folders by generating direct links in your browser. OctoLinker is available for Chrome and Firefox, and is not affiliated with GitHub. OctoLinker provides an innovative solution for downloading public GitHub content without having to visit the website.