5 Alternatives & Similar Apps for MTG Arena Tool & Comparisons

MTG Arena Tool Collection browser, a deck tracker and a statistics manager. Created by Manuel Etchegaray MTG Arena Tool is a collection browser, a deck tracker and a statistics manager for Magic: The Gathering Arena. Explore which decks you played against and what other players are brewing. MTG Arena Tool is all about improving your Magic Arena experience.With MTGA Tool you will be able to browse your match history and see which cards and colors your opponents played. This is extremely helpful to understand why your deck is struggling or winning against other opponents. See how much progress you have made with your collection, browse your new cards acquired and explore how many packs and wildcards you need to finish each of your deck builds. More Info »Browse what others are playing and how they perform, be it on constructed events, drafts and ranked. You would be able to filter decks by colors, events or results. Take your game to the next level and brag your winning deck with everyone else!Even if you dislike deck trackers, you can find MTGA Tool useful to keep record of your matches, browse through your collection or even check other people’s decks. Just disable the deck tracker overlay to keep it running only in background, you won’t miss a thing anyway.

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MTG Arena Tool

# Image App Name Features Platforms Price Website Link
2 5 Alternatives & Similar Apps for MTG Arena Tool & Comparisons 1 Lotus Tracker Mac
Free Website
3 5 Alternatives & Similar Apps for MTG Arena Tool & Comparisons 2 MTGA Pro Tracker Windows
Free Website
4 5 Alternatives & Similar Apps for MTG Arena Tool & Comparisons 3 MTGA Tracker Windows Free Website
5 5 Alternatives & Similar Apps for MTG Arena Tool & Comparisons 4 MTGAHelper Windows Free Website

Reasons why Lotus Tracker is a good alternative to MTG Arena Tool

Lotus Tracker is a popular, strong alternative to MTG Arena Tool in the world of Magic: The Gathering. Lotus Tracker has a collection browser, a deck tracker and a statistics manager that can be accessed through the developer website. This tool is great for players who use Magic: The Gathering for their own interests and not just to compete with other players. There is no cost or obligation to use Lotus Tracker and it’s easy to install and use on any device.

Reasons why MTGA Pro Tracker is a good alternative to MTG Arena Tool

MTGA Pro Tracker is a good alternative to MTG Arena Tool. The reasons why are that it provides a collection browser, deck tracker, and statistics manager in addition to the many features it already has. Features include notifications when cards are online, tracking of decks and day-to-day spending. MTGA Pro Tracker offers a free trial for 7 days in addition to the ability to unlock all premium features through an in-app purchase or monthly subscription.

Reasons why MTGA Tracker is a good alternative to MTG Arena Tool

MTGA Tracker is an alternative to MTG Arena Tool which provides three tools in one – a collection browser, a deck tracker and a statistics manager.

MTGA Tracker is an alternative to MTG Arena Tool which provides three tools in one – a collection browser, a deck tracker and a statistics manager. Collections can be viewed by set, color or rarity and search parameter can be set for Creatures, Planeswalkers, Artifact Creatures and Multicolor Hybrid Creatures.

Reasons why MTGAHelper is a good alternative to MTG Arena Tool

MTGAHelper is a great tool to use as an alternative to MTG Arena Tool for those who prefer the simplicity of the app. The first thing that it offers is a collection browser, where players can browse through and edit their collection on the go. This is also where they can find cards to put into a deck or trade with other people in the Magic community.



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