Category: Alternative

  • 7 Alternatives & Similar Apps for 4chan & Comparisons

    7 Alternatives & Similar Apps for 4chan & Comparisons

    Ever since 4chan was shut down by its creator, 4chan has been a popular search term. There are plenty of 4chan alternatives out there that you can choose from. Here are 7 great 4chan alternative sites to explore! 1. Reddit 2. FoxyProxy 3. Newgrounds Chat 4. ZeroChan 5. HispaChan 6. Digg 7. Slashdot 8. ImageChan […]

  • 7 Alternative Music Examples

    7 Alternative Music Examples

    Alternative music examples are a great way to broaden your musical horizons. This article will give you examples of alternative music, and a brief description of the genre so that you can start exploring this new type of music for yourself. Alternative music is usually defined as rock-based with an emphasis on experimentation or creativity. […]

  • Chinese eBay Alternative: 5 Online Marketplaces

    Chinese eBay Alternative: 5 Online Marketplaces

    The Chinese eBay alternative is a hot topic in business and retail right now. With china’s economy slowing down, it has become increasingly challenging to find the Chinese eBay alternative. There are many Chinese eBay alternatives out there that you can use to sell your goods online. Here, we will discuss five Chinese eBay alternatives […]

  • 6 Best Under Armour Alternatives

    6 Best Under Armour Alternatives

    When you think of under armor, you probably think of athletic wear. But under armor has been branching out into other areas as well. For example, they have under armor alternatives for casual wear and even armor alternatives for hunting gear! There are many under armor alternatives on the market today, but these six brands […]

  • 10 Alternatives To Samsung TV Skype

    10 Alternatives To Samsung TV Skype

    Samsung TV Skype is no longer a viable option for business. Businesses should be looking into other alternatives to Samsung tv skype. Here, we will discuss ten great Samsung tv skype alternative services that are easy to use and cost-effective! 1. APowerMirror 2. Zoom 3. Viber 4. WhatsApp 5. Android tv Box 6. SmartThing App […]

  • 7 Heat Gun Alternatives: Safe Strategies And Tools

    7 Heat Gun Alternatives: Safe Strategies And Tools

    If your heat guns are a part of your heat tool arsenal and you’re in the market for an alternative, don’t worry. We have compiled seven heat gun alternatives to work perfectly for whatever project or DIY task you need to tackle! 1. 2. Soldering Iron 3. Hair Dryer 4. 5. Wooden Spoon 6. Paint […]

  • The 8 Best AJAX Alternatives

    The 8 Best AJAX Alternatives

    AJAX is a programming technique that allows a web application to send and receive data from a server without a full page refresh. AJAX was first introduced by Microsoft in 2005. As of 2018, there are many other alternatives available for developers to use when building a web application. In this blog post, we will […]

  • 4 Alternatives To The Internet

    4 Alternatives To The Internet

    The internet is a great resource for finding information, but it does not have all the answers. Luckily there are alternatives to the internet that you can use to find what you need! We will be discussing 4 alternatives to the internet in this article. 1. Satellite 2. Fixed Wireless 3. Dial-Up 4. Mobile Broadband […]

  • 5 Great Alternatives To Xossip

    5 Great Alternatives To Xossip

    Xossip is one of the most popular gossip websites on the internet. It’s a site where people can share gossip, videos, and pictures about celebrities and others in their lives. Many xossip alternatives exist that offer similar services to xossip users but don’t have xossip’s shortcomings such as no chat function, not mobile-friendly, or privacy […]

  • 8 Starbucks Alternatives That Will Satisfy Everyone In Your Home

    8 Starbucks Alternatives That Will Satisfy Everyone In Your Home

    Starbucks coffee was a big hit in the early ’80s, but fast forward to 2015 and Starbucks is no longer the only option. With more than 60% of people drinking their homebrew at home, Starbucks has lost its monopoly on the market. Whether you are looking for something more organic or just want a change […]