Apps Like Numbers for sms verification & Comparison with Popular Alternatives For Today

Numbers for sms verification Numbers for sms verification app is the best solution for those who would like to register at… Created by Appsoft2015 Numbers for sms verification app is the best solution for those who would like to register at potentially dangerous websites and apps like, for example, online casinos which ask you to add a mobile phone number for sms registration confirmation. If you are not sure if such website or app is secure you may use one of our phone numbers for sms instead of your personal. At this moment we have phone numbers from more than 15 different countries which you can use for receiving SMS. You can register those numbers anywhere and check all arrived SMS in this app. This is much more secure that use your personal number, as in this way you protect yourself and your personality, from SPAM and viruses which may be sent to you through SMS.While you are waiting for SMS you may talk with other users through instant messaging and in the video chat and ask them where do they make registration and for what else they use this app, may be you will get some interesting ideas for yourself.For user identification this is necessary to make registration in this app, but we will not ask you to add your personal information like email or phone number. We are making registration on the base of IMEI and serial number of your device, so even for us you will stay anonymous…. More Info »App developed on the base of Android app open source code project http://androidappopensourcecode.

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Numbers for sms verification

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