Tag: ,n1ed,cleditor,quill-js,ory-editor,editor-js,redactor-text-editor,summernote,trix,ckeditor,mediumeditor,aloha-editor,react-rich-text-editor,froala,tinymce,bootstrap-editor,contenttoolsjs,alloyeditor

  • Apps Like Trumbowyg & Comparison with Popular Alternatives For Today

    Feature-packed WYSIWYG editor in only 15kB of JavaScript Created by Alex D Trumbowyg is a very small jQuery plugin (16 kB minified) for creating a powerful WYSIWYG editor. Features:* Paste rich text from other web pages and applications* Upload image and store it in the rich text, base64-encoded (like Summernote)* Only 16kB minified and only […]