Here Are The 9 Best Alternatives To Helium

Helium is a noble gas that has been used as the power source for balloons since the 1890s. But not all helium comes from natural sources, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting your helium from an ethical and sustainable supplier of high-quality helium. For those who are looking for alternative ways to inflate their balloons, we’ve put together this list of 9 great alternatives!

Here Are The 9 Best Alternatives To Helium:

1. Hydrogen

2. Nitrogen

3. Argon

4. Oxygen

5. Carbon dioxide

6. Methane 

7. Ethane

8. Neon

9. Xenon


Hydrogen is the most abundant substance in the universe, but it’s not always readily available. It can be produced by electrolysis of water or from hydrocarbons such as natural gas, coal and oil. However, hydrogen’s low density means that you’ll need a lot more balloons to inflate before they reach their maximum size when using hydrogen. This is because the volume of hydrogen gas produced by electrolysis or from hydrocarbons will need to be compressed in order for it to take on its natural colour and density at atmospheric pressure.

Hydrogen can also ignite when exposed to oxygen (for example, if there is a leak). However, this problem may not persist as there are new ways to produce hydrogen.

Features Of Hydrogen:

1. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe

2. The sun produces hydrogen by converting water into oxygen and hydrogen

3. Hydrogen can be used to create electricity through a process called electrolysis

4. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming

5. When hydrogen burns it only creates water vapour as an emission

6. A car that runs on pure hydrogen fuel will emit no pollution at all

7. Hydrogen cars are not yet commercially available but prototypes exist.


Nitrogen is the most abundant element in our atmosphere. It does not burn and it doesn’t react with other elements, but when heated to extreme temperatures (above 800 degrees Celsius) nitrogen can release a lot of energy which could be useful for generating electricity. Nitrogen also has some uses as a coolant or insulator because it’s very unreactive.

Features Of Nitrogen:

1. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere

2. Nitrogen makes up 78% of Earth’s atmosphere

3. Nitrogen is essential for plant growth and animal life

4. The nitrogen cycle describes how nitrogen moves through the environment

5. There are three main ways that plants get their nitrogen – from the soil, air, or fertilizer

6. Plants need a certain amount of potassium to grow properly 

7. A lack of potassium can lead to stunted plant growth and leaves turning yellow.


Argon is an alternative to helium that can be used in balloons. It’s not as “buoyant” as helium, so it’ll make less of a balloon float up into the air. Argon also has a lower boiling point than nitrogen or oxygen and could release energy if heated enough (about 800 degrees Celsius). However, argon is not harmful to humans if it’s breathed in.

Features Of Argon:

1. Argon is the third most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere

2. Argon has a boiling point of -185 degrees Celsius

3. The name “argon” comes from the Greek word meaning “lazy”

4. Argon is used to make steel, plastics, and other materials

5. Argon has no colour or smell

6. The symbol for argon is Ar 

7. There are three isotopes of argon with atomic masses 40, 41, and 42


Oxygen is the third most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere. It has a boiling point of -183 degrees Celsius and is used for making steel, plastics, medicines, and other materials. The symbol for oxygen is O with an atomic mass number 16. There are three isotopes: 16O (most common), 17O, 18O.

Features Of Oxygen:

1. Oxygen is a molecule

2. It has two atoms of oxygen

3. The atomic number for oxygen is 8

4. The chemical symbol for oxygen is O

5. Oxygen gas makes up 20% of the earth’s atmosphere by volume

6. Most plants and animals need it to live, including humans 

7. It can be found in water, rocks, and soil as well as air.

Carbon Dioxide:

Carbon dioxide is a gas and the major component of Earth’s atmosphere. It has no colour, taste, or odour. The boiling point for carbon dioxide is -78 degrees Celsius while it has an atomic mass number 12. There are two isotopes: 13C (most common), 14C which make up 99% of natural carbon dioxide.

Features Of Carbon Dioxide:

1. Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless gas

2. It is the most prevalent greenhouse gas

3. The earth’s atmosphere contains about 0.04% carbon dioxide

4. CO2 can be emitted from natural sources such as volcanoes and hot springs

5. Man-made sources of CO2 include burning fossil fuels like coal or oil for energy and deforestation to make room for agriculture or development

6. Burning fossil fuels releases large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere which traps heat in the earth’s lower atmosphere leading to global warming 

7) Deforestation also contributes to global warming because trees absorb CO2 during photosynthesis and release it back into the air when they decompose 

8) There are many ways you can reduce your carbon footprint including driving less, recycling more, eating locally grown food, using public transportation instead of your car etc.

9) Some other benefits that come with reducing your carbon footprint are cleaner air quality, reduced risk of respiratory problems due to smog pollution and improved health through increased physical activity 10) Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels will help slow down climate change by lowering emissions levels 11)


Methane is a greenhouse gas that’s 21 times more potent than CO emissions.  There are many ways to reduce methane emissions from landfills and oil fields, for example, drilling wells can capture the natural gas before it enters the atmosphere.   One other alternative source of energy that has less of an impact on climate change.

Features Of Methane :

1. Methane is a colourless, odourless gas

2. It’s the primary component of natural gas

3. Methane is produced by rotting organic matter in landfills and sewage treatment plants

4. The largest human-related source of methane emissions comes from livestock farming 

5. Methane has been shown to cause global warming which can lead to more severe weather events such as hurricanes and floods

6. When it’s burned, methane creates carbon dioxide (CO2) which contributes to climate change

7. Burning methane also releases toxic chemicals that are harmful to humans like benzene and nitrogen oxides.


Ethane is a hydrocarbon gas that’s used in the petrochemical industry and as an alternative to helium. Ethane is produced from petroleum, natural gas liquids (NGLs), or coal by distillation using either steam-methane reforming process or catalytic cracking process.

Features Of Ethane:

1. Ethane is a colourless gas

2. It has no odour and is not toxic

3. It is lighter than air

4. It can be found in natural gas or propane tanks

5. The liquid form of ethane is called ethene, which is the chemical name for polyethene plastics like polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 

6. Ethanol fuel can also be made from ethane 

7. Ethylene glycol, a type of antifreeze, can also be created with ethane.


Neon is an inert gas that has a bluish-purple colour and the lowest boiling point, which makes it perfect for use as a coolant. Neon was discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers. It’s commonly used to make signs or light up digital displays on electronics because of its bright colours when electrified.

Features Of Neon

1. Neon is a gas

2. It’s an element that doesn’t occur naturally on Earth

3. The first neon sign was created in 1910

4. Neon signs are mainly used to advertise businesses 

5. They can be seen from far away, so they’re often placed outside of buildings

6. A neon sign is made up of glass tubes filled with the gas and mercury vapour 

7. These tubes are usually arranged in a triangular pattern with three or four rows.


Xenon is a noble gas and it’s in the same group as helium. Like neon, xenon doesn’t occur naturally on Earth so we have to find it deep underground or extract it from natural gas. Unlike other gases like hydrogen which are typically found in large quantities near the surface of the earth, there might only be one small pocket.

Features Of Xenon:

1. Xenon is a noble gas

2. It has an atomic number of 54

3. The name “Xenon” comes from the Greek word for stranger or alien

4. Xenon is colourless, odourless, and tasteless

5. It’s found in the air at about one part per 20 million 

6. There are many uses for xenon – it can be used as a propellant in aerosol cans, as a refrigerant to create cold temperatures, and more!

7. You can purchase xenon online through sites like Amazon or eBay.



