3 Alternatives & Similar Apps for osu! & Comparisons

osu! Alternatives and Similar Games Alternatives to osu! for Android, Android Tablet, Windows, iPhone, Linux and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 16 apps similar to osu!. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games If you’re looking for more info about osu! like screenshots, reviews and comments you should visit our info page about it. Below you find the best alternatives.

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osu! Alternatives and Similar Games

# Image App Name Features Platforms Price Website Link
3 3 Alternatives & Similar Apps for osu! & Comparisons 1 StepMania Web Mac
Free Website
7 3 Alternatives & Similar Apps for osu! & Comparisons 2 Frets on Fire Mac
Free Website
10 3 Alternatives & Similar Apps for osu! & Comparisons 3 BeatX Android Tablet
Freemium Website

Reasons why StepMania is a good alternative to osu!

StepMania is a free-to-play rhythm game that allows players to use keyboard keys or a dance pad in order to navigate a virtual beatmap to the sound of music. What makes StepMania an ideal choice for those who are looking for a cheaper alternative to osu! is its nearly nonexistent price tag, as well as its good selection of songs and stages. In addition, the user has the option to add difficulty modifiers in order to add an extra layer of challenge when playing.

Reasons why Frets on Fire is a good alternative to osu!

Frets on Fire is a free alternative to the popular rhythm game osu!, and offers a new experience for those who want something different than what is offered by their typical rhythm game. Frets on Fire has many of the same features as other games such as osu!, but it also includes some great new additions such as their own user-created levels and songs. There are over one million levels created by users, which means there will never be a shortage of content for players.

Reasons why BeatX is a good alternative to osu!

BeatX has some advantages over osu! including its ability to interact with other rhythm game players. For example, BeatX offers the opportunity for players to challenge each other on multiplayer mode. This feature is not available in osu! and is a major improvement that may be good enough to convince some gamers to switch from osu!. Other key features offered in BeatX include an easy-to-use interface and the opportunity to play many different genres of music.